Access Barrier AutoReport

Download PDF reports summarizing sidewalk and curb ramp inspection results

DeepWalk's AutoReport is an automatically generated document summarizing a scan's inspection results, giving you and other important stakeholders an overview of scan-specific accessibility status.

See Sample Reports

AutoReports break down the basics, summarizing the accessibility status of each scan.

Here are the details included...

Scan Metadata

The scan metadata includes high level information about the scan, including...
- Scan ID
- Data collector
- Project name
- GPS coordinates
- Map location
- Collection Date

Inspection Summary

The inspection summary reflects the current status of the scanned region, including...
- Access score
- Condition score
- Deteriorated area
- Vertical displacements
- Cross slope violations
- Running slope violations
- Clear width violations
- Detectable warning surface status
- Material type
- Scan type

Labelled Image

The labelled image is a "birds eye view" of the scanned region indicating the location and severity of identified access barriers

Sample AutoReports

Click AutoReport to download as a PDF