Esri ArcGIS Package

Seamlessly Integrate with ArcGIS

DeepWalk's Esri ArcGIS Package comes with 3 premade ArcGIS deliverables that make integrating sidewalk data into your existing workflows a breeze

2-Click ArcGIS Integration

Get pre-formatted ArcGIS deliverables within 15 minutes using our Esri ArcGIS Integration. This saves GIS teams hours on styling base map layers, freeing up valuable time for project-specific customization.

Explore our library of ArcGIS how-to videos!

Map Service

DeepWalk's Map Service breaks down the Feature Service into specific layers highlighting the various sidewalk data points your organization needs. Directly import this service into other ArcGIS mapping applications.

Sidewalk Accessibility Layer

View accessibility score for each sidewalk and curb ramp

Sidewalk accessibility layer of processed sidewalk data with green, orange, and red lines showing accessibility score

Cross Slope Layer

View cross slope violations exceeding the maximum of 2%

Cross slope layer of processed sidewalk data showing red icon of man walking on sloped surface to depict identified cross slope violations

Curb Ramp Layer

View curb ramp locations with assigned accessibility score

Curb ramp layer of processed sidewalk data showing compliant curb ramps in green and noncompliant curb ramps in red

Detectable Warning Surfaces

View the status of detectable warning surfaces

Detectable warning surface layer of processed sidewalk data showing the presence of detectable warning surfaces in the sidewalk network

Driveway Layer

View tagged driveway locations within the sidewalk network

Manual tags of driveway locations in the sidewalk network as marked by white car surrounded by gray circle

Obstructions Layer

View identified obstructions within the sidewalk network

Obstruction layer of processed sidewalk data showing identified obstructions in the sidewalk network as marked by an icon featuring a man walking with arrows pointing inward

Vertical Displacements Layer

View tagged vertical displacements within the sidewalk network

Vertical displacements in the sidewalk network are marked by yellow caution signs

Sidewalk Width Layer

View sidewalk and curb ramps that do not meet the minimum clear width requirement of 36"

Sidewalk layer that shows the sidewalk and curb ramps that do not meet the requirement of 36” in red and the compliant sidewalk in blue

Feature Service

Easily integrate sidewalk inspection data into all of your organization's ArcGIS mapping services using DeepWalk's Standard Feature Service

DeepWalk's Feature Service comes with a prebuilt pop up that allows for the layer to be added to existing maps with minimal formatting.

Sidewalk scan with identified barriers to accessibility and the legend
details shown in the Feature service pop up for identification details and accessibility scoring of the sidewalk scan
Table of inspection details for sidewalk scan in the feature service of DeepWalk's Esri ArcGIS Package

Automatic Mapping Updates

To ensure that sidewalk data remains current across multiple ArcGIS maps and applications, manual updates for each map are typically required. However, this process can be time-consuming and costly. This often results in new sidewalk inspection data never making it to your organization's mapping applications and the expensive sidewalk dataset quickly becoming unreliable.

DeepWalk's Feature Service is automatically updated with the latest sidewalk data after each collection project. By using this service, your organization can effortlessly incorporate sidewalk inspection data into all relevant ArcGIS mapping products as a Feature Layer. This eliminates the need to individually update each service, saving valuable time and resources. With DeepWalk's Feature Service, you can guarantee that all your ArcGIS products contain the most up-to-date information, without overwhelming your busy GIS team.

Legend depicting the associated color with the line or point level of accessibility for sidewalk and curb ramps

Ready to Use Styling

DeepWalk's Feature Service data points come styled for immediate use. Points come in a stoplight color scheme with green being the most accessible and red being least accessible. This allows GIS teams to quickly add sidewalk Feature Layers to their existing maps without spending time on the tedious styling process.

Downloadable data report options featured on DeepWalk's feature service

One Click File Exports

Easily export your sidewalk data into 8 different mapping file formats to use your DeepWalk data in any mapping platform

Supported File Formats:

- Shapefile
- Excel

- Feature Collection
- GeoPackage

Import into ArcGIS Pro for Advanced Analysis

Quickly import into ArcGIS Pro for advanced processing and analytics, then propagate the results to all of your ArcGIS products and applications

How to import into ArcGIS Pro to receive advanced analysis